Overprepared redditors, which thing do you always carry with you no matter how much people ridicule you for it?

Wtf are you taking about? When did I "leave home" at 16? Being in a group home at 13-15 and traveling in an RV from age 28 to now dont overlap in the slightest. I have never and would never claim military service, that's rediculous. When did I say I'd never been assualted? (And when I was mugged I was not hit by anyone btw, a person can be a victim without violence). And yes, poor people do own horses, thats a strange and silly assumption...horses can be like 400$ and when your mom buys herself horses and beer instead of toys then yes, we had a horse at times. Also, You're a weird stalker.. and just because my fucked up life seems unlikely doesn't mean it's untrue.

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