Overtaking big rig on the shoulder

No no no no no. How is this this hard oh my God! The truck moves to the right because the central reservation/median/chevronny bit, whatever you want to call it, that serves the turning they just passed at the start of the video and separates from oncoming traffic is ending. The two lanes in his direction merge into one and the truck has priority. He legitimately has nowhere at all to go except to veer right because that's what the road design and lane markings and the law are instructing and compelling him to do, lest he smash head on into anything coming the other way. Truck does what he's supposed to do. White car guy knows his lane is ending, sees the merge arrows instructing him to safely merge to the left, ignores the road markings and lane priority, and Leroy Jenkinses it past the truck on the wrong side with nowhere to go at the end. Or tries to, except he can't because he's nowhere to go because the lane ends and becomes a big fuckoff metal barrier instead, which the lane markings told him would happen but he didn't give two monkey's fucks because rofl Leroy Jenkins imma go fast lolololololol. Even if that truck had seen the car and had slammed on his brakes immediately that car is still going into that barrier because he's a colossal impatient douchebag who thinks he's beyond both the law of the land and the laws of physics. But the truck didn't have to do shit because he had lane priority. His lane continues. White car's lane ends. White car has to safely merge behind truck. Truck doesn't have to do anything but drive as the road demands.

/r/WTF Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com