Parents whose children never dated/found love/got married, how do you feel about it?

Sort of young? No sort of about it. Honestly, you've got plenty of time. Speaking from experience here, social anxiety (mine is of the crippling variety also) can be managed with the right help and some determination.

That's not to say it's easy, but you do have it within you to find a balance that allows you to live and get out there.

I'd like to share the story of my first relationship with you if that's OK:

I was also your age and had never been with a girl, but my first relationship came seemingly out of nowhere. It didn't of course, I was simply in a job where I had no choice but to communicate more (I was pretty much running a small pub kitchen on my own); as I became more comfortable I would chat and joke with my coworkers more, and despite what my utter self loathing, anxiety and depression (that I deal with to this day) would let me think, it turned out I was capable of being liked as a human being. Then eventually I realised one of the waitresses was actually into me! All from chatting about fuck all, and forging a working friendship with this girl I hadn't for a second imagined would ever be interested in some weird, mumbling twat like me.

And that's the important bit. It wasn't eyes meeting across a room, I hadn't even thought of her that way, because I was a loser on the scrapheap at the ripe old age of 23. I was too busy working to worry about what to say, what kind of conversation to make (the kind of shit I'm betting whirls around your head constantly when you're in an uncomfortable situation leaving you mentally exasperated and anxious and barely able to form a cogent sentence). For the first time I was forced to not be stuck in my own head. I wasn't consciously aware of any of this at the time, it just happened and it continued to grow.

I'm rambling now so I'll wrap it up. Please don't get hung up on this. You are capable of managing social anxiety, it's not about getting rid of it, it's about finding that balance. Live for you, try to find some way out of your head like I accidentally did and research techniques and therapies to help you along. I get anxious and nervous about going out to this day, even with my oldest closest friends. It's a hell of a cross to bear, but everyone has one of their own.

I hope my inane rambling helps in some way :)

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