Parliamentary Election 2018: Live Updates

From my experience I can tell that the mistake many diasporan parents make is they make the Amenian identity seem like some kind of a burden for their kids, like they MUST cultivate traditions because they owe their ancestors, as if it was their fault they were born abroad. You want to prevent the armenianness from disappearing? Don’t raise small xenophobes that won’t be able to function in the society. Instead introduce your kids to quality (!!!) Armenian movies, cartoons and musicians from an early childhood, get some elementary school books or caligraphy notebooks to practice the alphabet and reading/writing skills, during holidays in Armenia take them to museums and concerts and teach them about the history. And ffs don’t give up on the first try. Show the cool stuff, trends, places. Since I was a kid I loved Armenian rock artists and Paradjanov’s art (was told early in the game that he was queer, take that, “national values” defenders!) and always looked forward to traveling to Armenia so I could go to concerts and exhibitions. My parents did those things and bam, I identify as 100% Armenian, I speak, read and write in Armenian and follow everything that’s happening there, politics-wise as well. No pressure from fellow Armenians, no guilt, nothing. I adjust my “armenianness” to my beliefs and lifestyle without holier-than-thou attitude.

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