Peeing your Pants - Always Open #1

Loved the four pilot episodes, love these four ladies, and am loving this official launch.

Can't wait for the guys who are complaining about it (with women-centric complaints specifically) or feeling alienated over it to either start ignoring it or else take this as a great chance to examine their feelings of annoyance/alienation.

(Some possibly helpful self-probing questions: Why do you think it's hard for you to relate to these women? Would you really understand if a woman felt alienated and had trouble enjoying the RT podcast just because it was all guys on the panel, or would you roll your eyes? Is it really important for you to personally identify with every experience someone talks about in order for you to enjoy their stories or to see the value in making a unique show to share those stories? If so, do you really know why you feel that way, deep down?)

But I have to say, I'm overjoyed that I'm seeing so many guys enthusiastically trying it out and connecting to it. Of course some people (guys and girls alike) won't enjoy the show for their own perfectly valid reasons, but seeing so many guys loving it and feeling like they're getting insight from it is awesome.

/r/roosterteeth Thread Link -