People are getting dupes from Xur's Fated Engram

First of all, I own the Promethean Lens, so I don't know if not having the DLC matters. I don't give a shit if it I got a duplicate because I don't own the DLC but I thought it might help diagnose the issue others are having.

Second, I am no more or less upset about this than I am about the Destiny franchise in general. Obviously the game isn't total garbage or I wouldn't have it or be posting here, but it's pretty fucking bad how Bungie handles DLC and patches and that's my opinion to have whether you like it or not.

Third, I posted a video to prove what I'm saying. I don't give a shit if it upsets you or all of reddit. It's the experience I had and I stated facts and I only added a touch of opinion in my comment (and noted it as such) and you overly positive/cordial people are just as toxic as us pessimists so maybe calm yourself.

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