People are mad about DLC, but a lot of the time it seems fine. Can someone explain?

Unfinished game you have to buy DLC to complete

Ok, I also understand why people would be pissed. So this is a time where it's not fine.

Game that happens to have a lot of DLC

But the DLC is fully optional, doesn't impact the main game experience, etc? Ok, sure. I suppose Fallout: New Vegas is like this. If you bought all the DLC full price when it first came out I'm sure it was quite a bundle, but the DLC is all well made and is entirely optional. So this is a time where it's fine.

Incomplete game with a lot of DLC that doesn't fix the problem

You didn't outright say so but I assume you can also understand why people would be pissed about this? Another time where it's not fine.

Incomplete game that you have to buy DLC to complete but is priced as such

What? I mean, theoretically I guess I don't see a problem with it. They incurred cost, I am paying for that cost plus a percentage for their profit margin. As a consumer I am ok with that in theory. However I really can't think of a single game that fits this mold.

Game with DLC that's really and expansion pack but carries the dirty label of DLC

I don't see how this is any different from "Game that happens to have a lot of DLC". One of them has $100 has the label and the other has $20 but those amounts are entirely arbitrary in your example.

Incomplete game that has proportionally a lot of DLC that completes the game for the same total cost. Can be done episodically

Another example that I don't think actually exists in the real world.

Unless you're talking only about episodic releases in this case. However I would disagree with classifying the episodes as "DLC", it's an entirely separate sales model.

So at the end of the day two of your examples boil down to the same statement, which brings us to five total.

Out of those five two are theoretical examples which, while I personally and I'm sure some other people would be be fine with, are DLC situations that don't currently exist.

Two more boil down to the same statement, just in one you say "a lot of DLC" and the other "expansion pack labelled as DLC". Doesn't really matter because the point is the game is complete without it. Assuming the DLC is well made then sure, most people will be fine with this one situation. Doesn't mean you should count it twice.

Then the last two remaining examples are both times where people would be pissed.

Final score:

Times people would be pissed - 2

Times people wouldn't be pissed - 1

So your own examples don't really hold up to your title of "a lot of the time it seems fine".

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