Why do people think it is ok to be overweight?

Fat chick here. It's NOT ok to be obese, but I think it's a GOOD thing that plus size people are showing off their confidence. I am dieting and exercising, but it does take time, and it is really nice to be encouraged to be confident in yourself at whatever stage of your journey you're at. Think about teenagers going through puberty and the puppy fat that comes before a growth spurt- I have a 12 year old sister who HATES herself because she's put on a bit of a belly even though she dances and eats well. It's obviously another growth spurt coming (groan. . She's already taller than me) but she really is obsessed about it. THAT is not healthy, and I think that is why projecting big is beautiful is a positive thing. Please remember there is a difference between over weight and obese. Not all bodies are the same, not all work the same and if you are fortunate to have a fast metabolism then good for you, we're not all that lucky and it is really hurtful to see posts like these sometimes. It's not healthy to be very fat, but it's also none of your concern. A shorter time in the queue for a coffin in my opinion is an awful and unjustifiable thing to say. People die every day. It's people who judge us chubsters that are also preventing change. I really want to start jogging but im scared to be seen. My dads a big bloke, and he was biking to and from work to get fit and not one day went past without someone shouting 'fat bastard' out of a car window. He kept at it until his bike was nicked and I was so proud of him, but a lot of people like myself haven't got a thick skin like that.

Also actually, I've been told by many people (weight watcher leader, bra fitter etc) that I will never be a size 10. Because I have a natural big arse and massive tits. So by that logic ill never be completely out of the over weight zone, and that is not my fault and nor would I change that. Curves are good- in the right places.

/r/AskReddit Thread