People of reddit if you were scared to get back into dating after bad experiences and unhealthy relationships and want to ask someone out what gives you the confidence to do it?

Bad experiance is pretty Subjactive. For one a bad experiance could be getting rejected a lot. For someone else it could be some awkward date etc.

I can't recall any extremely bad experiance from my side, might be because I don't date that much and the girls I dated were pretty normal.

But I was a total ass to this one girl. She really liked me and had a crush on me. She wasn't that good looking but had a decent body overall. So after 2 dates or so we had sex some night. She told me she wanted to keep on touch if we would do it and that she doesn't want to just fuck and obviously I lied. I lied many times to her said things like I liked her back just to have sex. So after that she kept on texting me and I either delayed to answer or straight up ignoring her. Refused each time she told me to go out. Basically I had taken what I wanted and then totally forgot her. After some weeks I got tired and told her that I lied just to have sex and that I don't even like her that much. She was devestated, and we stopped talking instantly. A common friend told me she had a crush on me and that she thought I was one of the rare reasonable guys out there but she was wrong. Well I felt horribly about myself and learnt to be more straight forward.

Now, after months have passed and after I clarified my position and apologised we still talk from time to time. Obviously for her it was a bad dating experiance, as the whole thing was phony and I was fake. She just went ultra thot and was after the d more than ever. She obviously did it for confirmation. So, yeah, she obviously wasn't scared to get back into dating, but most likely she did what I did to her to most of these guys.

Also as a disclaimer. What I did was wrong, but I did it because I judged the situation wrong, still it's my fault however.

/r/AskReddit Thread