People who have deactivated their Facebook account, why?

Imagine you're having a drink with two friends, except the owner is seated at the next table, eavesdropping on everything you say to sell that information to your hairdresser or the guy who sells you washing powder. And every time you say something or show a picture to your friends, they can give their opinion on it, just like in normal life, except this time everyone around in the café, all your friends and maybe more, will be able to hear their opinion. And every time their opinion is positive, the owner gives you a free ticket, that brings you absolutely nothing apart from a ticket. Your friends can have a normal conversation with you of course, they can not care about all that, but the fact is they know it's all there. In a way, even if unconsciously, they will feel every bit of your conversation is being watched and judged. And in the long term, you can't hope to keep casual, relaxed, and sincere conversation. It all becomes a grotesque and insane show. Because even if you are perfectly able to understand that all of this leads to nothing more, that being 3 or 3000 at the table doesn't matter, that there are places way better to meet your friends but not so easy to access, that it's pointless trying to get more of those placebo tickets; you can be sure that gradually, little bit by little bit, the more you come to that place, the more you will lower yourself to the kind of behavior the owner expects from you.


Facebook's core business is encouraging people to be vile. They're not the only ones, but they're probably among the worst.

/r/AskReddit Thread