People who don't sleep naked, why?

I had a kid that I saw on my mental health rotation in nursing school. Awful, shitty, bleak state run mental health institution for the criminally insane. People who were legitimately mentally ill who had carried out serious up to extreme crimes.

I had to go patient to patient in what constituted general population of this facility and take a mental status exam - basically a test/interview that kinda just tells you if the patient is outwardly crazy or violent or going through something. I am good with people and had experience with this kind of patient from my time as an EMT/ER technician. I made many interesting conclusions in those shifts.

One involved a young guy who was 20ish and was in this place for the 5th time. Got caught swinging around knives in the dark in his father's house at 3am when had had already been trespassed previously and father had a restraining order against him. He was legitimately, gravely mentally ill, but physically quite intimidating and capable. Long story short, talking to this dude, he says "I don't take my meds (antipsychotics) because they make my titties grow and I can't get a boner."

That rotation was illuminating but sucked a big one.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent