People who have had "friends" stab you in the back, what is the story?

Came up with the idea that my friends and I should dress up like the cell phone guys from the 2008 Verizon commercial for our Senior Halloween parade. They all agreed and said it was a good idea because of how quick and easy the costumes were. The day before the parade, I find out from other people that my friends had already formed a group and was going as the cell phone guys. They left me out. I was too embarassed to confront any of them. After school, I texted one of my best friends and he said that they had already made the group and bought the costumes earlier in the week. The costumes were literally just dress shirts, slacks, and a nametag that said "Verizon", "T Mobile", etc. These guys were my only friends. I didn't want to go school the next morning and have to watch from the sidelines. So I went home and started working on an AWESOM-O costume from South Park. It was my favorite episode at the time. I stayed up all night perfecting it. The next morning, I showed up to school in normal clothes. I was one of 4 in the entire senior class that didn't show up in a costume. My friends avoided me the entire day. When the parade started, I wipped out my cardboard AWESOM-O costume and walked solo. My best friend came to me after school and said, "See it all worked out. If you were in the group, you wouldn't of been able to wear that awesome AWESOME-O costume." Also, I walked along side a guy wearing a stove pot on his head. He was one of the 4 that didn't show up with a costume. Just before the parade started, he went to out his car to get his pot. We were the pothead and AWESOM-O. He got detention for this.

/r/AskReddit Thread