People who have had to start life over again (from bad addictions, divorce, losing your job, etc), what happened and how are you now?

My girlfriend fell in love with her boss and narrated a star crossed lovers tale that they were meant to be.

I had just started my business a few months earlier as part of a deal we made with me moving in. I move in, and she changes jobs; later I get to start a new business. She got an unenjoyment vacay while I worked my last accounting firm job, and with her having found new work it was my turn. I immediately landed a client that provided steady cash flow along with a small handful of others that were more once a year type clients. I will readily admit it wasn’t a lot but it was a start and it was a good contract. It paid more than my half the bills, and allows me enough capital to keep going. But it was definitely less than it had been.

You can imagine that this revelation threw my home office plans in a tizzy plus the whole boss/banging thing, I mean come on, I loved this woman, it was an awful, horrible, and bleak time in my life as I scraped together enough cash to gtfo and for a couple years after. I remember, at one point, after she dropped the bomb and I was still living there, being crushed because she told me she was going away to some resort for the weekend with her boss boyfriend (but of course money played no role in her decision according to her). Bills never went unpaid and I chipped in more than my fair share of household and other expenses before and after the breakup. As far as I know they are still together, but that’s from a old neighbor that I ran into a while back. Not my monkey, not my circus.

Fast forward a couple more years and I look at it like this:

I turned a $1200 trip to Best Buy with a credit card into a full time job with full (ridiculously amazing) benefits, and I work a fraction of what I did working for someone else. I make sixfold what I did when I was with her and more importantly that income is stable and still in double digit growth. I also quit smoking, something she’d be jealous of.

It’s funny I’m all but certain she walked by me a couple weeks ago downtown as I waited for a hot dog from a vendor. We made eye contact for a split second as she went by. When I walked past her after I got my dog I looked back and sure as shit it was her. I kept walking, we’re good there; I have nothing for her nor she for me.

I was happy because, well, she looked good. She looked healthy and fit. I realized I had just looked at someone who only a few short years before had crushed my entire world, but there was no flash of anger or resentment. All I could think was, good for her! The next thing that popped in my head was “hmmm, I wonder if her boyfriend got a divorce yet.”

How are things now? Fucking awesome!!

/r/AskReddit Thread