People who live in a rural area/out in the country, what will "city folk" never understand?

Because some people haven't figured out that if you are aware that you're in a dead end minimum wage job while you're looking for a real job the current job doesn't matter.

I can be stacking boxes in a warehouse and be paid the same

Making fries.

Picking up litter.

stacking shelves.

Getting trolleys.

Lots of jobs pay the same I don't care if they plot to fire me because I only work to what I signed up to work for not my fault the idiots didn't know what the fuck they wanted me to do. Their issues not mine, and I'm sure as hell not doing favours for minimum wage.

If you're not paid enough to not earn the exact same any where else then you're under no incentive to do your employer any favours if it's apparent there's no room for advancement. OR you don't exactly plan on advancing to manager of MC D with 3 times the stress and an extra 50c an hour to boot.

Shit pay at shit jobs gets shit work. I had a place that paid me a dollar over minimum and I busted ass because the dude was a total bro. Then he got moved somewhere else and some fuckstick came in dropped our wages so I went on a paper strike which is doing every thing buy what health and safety, government and my contract says.

Pay me shit you get what I signed up for and I better go get that safety harness and a go worked to watch the ladder while I get something if I'm standing on something 1M above the ground. Because hey, government says I have to do that and I'm not risking my neck if I fall and have ACC chew me out for not following safety standards.

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