People who have snapped on a bully at school, what's your story?

Okay, 6th grade, i'm in a horrible school in, you guessed it, Florida. So, naturally, a lot of the kids are ghetto, mainly the girls. Being the good-girl white girl I am, naturally I have hate from all sides by this other girl (I'll call her Georgina, not her real name btw) and her friends.

SO, I've dealt with bulling before, so normally i'm cool with insults, but being called a Fat B*tch every day gets to you eventually.

Monday morning and i'm already sick of Georgina's shit. I'm Teacher's pet to a sweet old lady, so she lets me stand at the front of the room and speak. I give a half-decent talk about how the harassment in our class needs to stop now, (I wasn't the only victim, it was the whole class too.) and by the end, the girl was crying about how she's a good girl. A week later she switched classes, but as we were walking periods one day, she gave me the finger. I told her to shove it up her ass, saying it probably wouldn't hurt anyways thanks to all the dick that's been inside it, then sprinted off as she tried to hit me. Didn't get in trouble though, so i'm pretty grateful.

TL;DR: Broke a girl down to tears with words, she gave me the finger, and I told her to shove it up her ass in 6th grade.

/r/AskReddit Thread