People who started an Accounting career/degree way later in life, what's your story and how did it go?

I was an Art major directly after high school, attending a business and engineering school. I didn't want to sell out and was still young and determined to be a "starving artist".

After about 2.5 years, I ended up dropping out because the Art program really sucked and I wasn't happy. During the time away from school, I got into some bad habits, got arrested, and I decided to get clean and fix my life and I decided that the first step in that is going back to school.

I went back to the same school, knew I didn't want to do engineering, so I chose business. I took the intro to Financial Class and I loved it. After about 2.5 years, I ended up graduating undergrad with a 3.75 Accounting GPA and a 3.9 Cumulative. Now I'm in the MACC program where I help Into to Fin Accounting students in the Accounting Dept at my school and I have a full time job lined up for when I graduate and I'm currently studying for the CPA.

Life is wild.

/r/Accounting Thread