Another female made a nasty face when my fiance kissed me.

I'm saying just because I'm a female who said guys may find it difficult to know if a female friends like them or some do know and are better at separating them or even act on it. Isn't sexist. I could easily say that about women.

Now, if I were to say this happened to me. It will defintely happen to you cause all men cheat, cant have female friends, and are clueless about everything in the world. I'd understand what you mean. But, no. Some guys dont know and can be clueless (me agreeing with another comment claimed to be made by a male) and other guys know and act on it. At the end of the day, it's about communication.

As I said, I did not mean for it come off that way and now Im sorry that it apparently rubbed you so wrong we had to go back and forth about it. It was not my intention and I understand how it may seem like I'm generalizing a sex. Defintely was not what I was going for.

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