People who have taken LSD, what was your most memorable (good or bad) trip?

Well, this will probably get buried but I want to throw this out there because I don't think I really discussed it with anyone in a long time. I remember 4 years ago we decided to go with a friends to the fireworks show, on 4th of July, at a local park. It was my second time taking a psychedelic so I was pretty stoked and anxious at the same time. When we found a spot next to other acquaintances that were invited to the facebook event.. It's kind of a blur to be exact about the details but there was at least 7 of us who were closely associated with each other while we loosely knew of the other 14 people there that were just getting hammered. Eventually, We each revealed our tab and took it. After passing the soccer ball with my roommate I start feeling a slight mood shift come on to me while simultaneously thinking that this was pretty weak stuff. When the sky started to dim, a 4 wheeler turned on it's headlights behind me and I was baffled by the sudden luminosity that I mistook it as the sun sneaking up behind me. My friends start shedding their ego skins bit by bit and then finally the first shots were fired when the sky finally went black. The acid was still coming up and it felt going from a 1980s television to HD TV. I saw every minute detail of every firework like it was happening up close. I could barely contain myself because every time an enormously sized one blew up, I felt like I watched a supernova or the death star blow up I could feel a surge of neurotransmitters go off in my head, (Probably serotonin). We realize that after the show that someone has to drive us out of here because the cops were evacuating the premises so my roommate, while being the most experienced psychonaut, volunteers to drive us out of there. Stepping into the car was like stepping into a spaceship because it felt so alien to me and while it dawned on me that this was probably pretty dangerous since our minds just went through a mental blender. Even though the situation wasn't the most sane one, We made light of it and laughed at our predicament all the way home while witnessing other fireworks in the process. New feelings emerged that I forgot I had ever felt and life sort of felt even more real to me. I never forgot how vivid that experience was for me. I experienced close eyed flashbacks of the fireworks for the next two days but after that I never had such a spectacular trip as that ever again. I miss those days of early adulthood high jinx.

/r/AskReddit Thread