People who took it really hard after being voted out?

It might get mentioned somewhere else, but skimming through this is all I found from after he got voted out:

The days of make-believe were done. “This was the best time I ever had in my life,” he told Craig enthusiastically.

It had been a game all along, Greg confided. The nature phone and the torn pants and the incredible body odor and the sleeping in the jungle had all been part of an elaborate character constructed for “Survivor.” Though he wasn’t the final winner, in Greg’s mind he had played “Survivor” better than anyone, and he was proud of it. Greg chose to look at the game as a wade into the netherworld between reality and drama. He’d planned his charades before coming to the island, grasping - even, I must admit, before I did - “Survivor”’s potential as a Peter Pan-like world where what was real and what was imagined were all in the eyes of the beholder. His skewering of reality on both sides of the island was the ultimate foray into dramality. Every day, in every one of his actions and words, Greg had both the production crew and fellow tribe members wondering who the real Greg was. He’d paid lip service to Kafka and Star Wars, then actively inserted himself into an equally surreal world. His downfall lay in opting for those paradigms instead of Machiavelli’s. Greg didn’t ahve the stomach for Machiavelli. That was the realm of grown-ups. Greg was still a child.

Compared with Sean’s passive disregard for the game, Greg’s actions were genius. It wasn’t an insult to “Survivor” that a lesser player such as Sean was allowed to keep playing, while Greg would board a train to the Magellan. But it was definitely a sign that the weak were more necessary to the ultimate winners than the smart and strong.

Whale-sized cigar clenched between his teeth, Greg leaned close to Craig. He put one hand on the co-executive producer’s shoulder, as if to hug him, but neither Greg nor Craig were the hugging type. “Tell Mark,” Greg whispered softly, “that I loved the game.”

He was definitely having less fun once the merge hit and he had to play with Tagi, though.

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