People who’ve posted on r/roastme, how did that affect you?

I posted just yesterday! I said I wanted something more original than forehead jokes (I have a fivehead worthy of an award) and although I got a fair share of shitty forehead jokes, I also found a lot to laugh at! I wouldn't have posted if it was a bad picture of me, or if I was in a bad frame of mind. It was all just for fun :)

Most of the roasts were based on my music taste (because I was wearing wristbands with the names of my favourite bands visible) and I couldn't help but laugh and the comments about me not being a real emo (not the goal!) and those by people who had no clue who the musicians actually were, they just wanted to make fun of them. ("Fallout boy killed himself when he found out you had his bracelet" obviously referring to Fall Out Boy, the... four piece band)

I also found out I have a disproportionate face size to the rest of my (apparently very masculine) body, which was actually a compliment- I'm overweight due to health issues, and being told my face and neck looked skinny was absolutely a good thing!

And apparently I have a big nose, but we'll stick to being insecure about my forehead for the time being.

My favourite comment was "do the wristbands represent the number of orgies you've unenthusiastically participated in?" And I laugh every time I read it

/r/AskReddit Thread