People who were considered smart in high school, what happened in college?

Despite a rough childhood and never studying, I got As and Bs throughout school and was considered one of the more intelligent people in the school. I got really into philosophy around the time I became depressed my Junior year, and while I didn't fail any classes, I attempted suicide a few times and spent a significant portion of junior and senior year in mental health wards trying to recover. Now, I'm an intermittent community college student who is probably going to drop out because PTSD and overall mental wellness is not what it should be to attend school, work to support myself, transition to the female gender, and live in my apartment. I honestly wish I could wish I wasn't intelligent because maybe I would be happier. Intelligence doesn't really mean anything though if it never amounts to anything. At this point... All I really hope for is happiness and a job that pays well enough for me to waste away my existence which should have been amazing.

I wanted to be a Cognitive Neuroscientist.

/r/AskReddit Thread