Jesus fucking christ, you are the exact type of person who depresses me every time I open this app. I'm quite aware that I was fucking stupid, you fucking idiot. THAT'S WHY I'M HERE, SEEKING ADVICE.
I can have whatever fucking attitude I want since this is my body, my voice, and the phone I use to pay my expenses!!! what worse is that I wasn't even rude, condescending or "rebellious" so you just attacked my character for NO reason other than " I don't like it" F*** YOU!!! Some of you are upset because I keep emphasising that I'm not afraid of scars or that I'm blasting out the little knowledge I have EVEN THOUGH I CAME HERE TO KNOW MORE, like some other jerk in my Dms (since there appears to be a plethora of you here) since its apparently that serious.
However, it appears that I was mistaken in expecting that a group of grown men and women on platform meant for people to ask help would have manners and be able to explain things without resorting to vulgar language and childish sarcasm.
You know what I mm-m-m-massa ! I'll tell my high functioning ADHD to quit ADHDing and never seek for help again since this is how I'm going to be treated and spoken to next time :) ! Fyi, I have already scheduled an appointment in two weeks and have high-quality belly piercing jewellery coming in the mail.
All of your "PoInTs" were redelivered in my post and in comments made by individuals with far better manners than you, which I have taken into fucking account. Fuck you, fuck the high horse you're riding, and fuck everyone else who's passive aggressively downvoting my comments because I'm a stupid piece of crap for asking for help and advise when that's clearly not what the mod meant this subreddit to be for!!!!