Planetside turned into infantryside

I've run into plenty of people on this sub who wouldn't be willing to make the hypothetical trade of giving up farming tools even if it meant blanket nerfs to infantry AV and more objectives for vehicles. Like all the ESF players bitching about lockons, and all people want is for the A2G weapons to be nerfed into the ground and then lockons could be nerfed in tandem. Easy fucking solution right? Infantry players happy, A2A mains happy. Sorry, can't do it because <10 paragraphs of thinly veiled excuses>.

They complain about not having anything to do and infantryside power creep ruining vehicle fights yadda yadda, but at the end of the day that's all a ruse. They just want to sit in wheelchairs all day and act like they've got the moral high ground for doing it. These people drag the whole game down for everyone.

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