Please Blizzard, I just want no limits back...

Eh, the day I stopped playing quick play is when they added hero limits. It made for games that are sometimes serious and sometimes silly. I liked that, personally.

Sometimes you run into 6 battle Mercys (Mercies? Merci? How is it spelled when plural?)

Sometimes you get a decent comp together.

It's probably anecdotal or maybe me misremembering the next part, but there seems to be a LOT more Genji/Widowmaker/Hanzo in every. Single. Fucking. Game. Ever.

Now every game is 5 DPS and the one poor soul who tries to flex by healing and tanking at the same time. There are never silly comps anymore. They always suck terribly or are serious. I don't want terrible comps. And if I want serious all the time, I do competitive.

No limits is not the same. It's less mixed than it used to be. I can't play that mode, either. It's all the same few 6 stacks or similar.

I'm sure I'm the minority here. I am only guessing at what I think made Mr stop quick play. But whatever it was, it happened almost instantly after the hero limits were added. It felt like I may as well just play competitive at that point.

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