Please make cars and trash lootable.

To answer all the treads ive seen in here about you should be able to loot everything or enter almost every building. But a Day Z / H1ZI or any other surivival style of game in The Division will never happen. If so the devs would have hinted or at least talked about it way back after E3 when ppl asked if it would be like Day Z in a big city.

They said NO to that question and said that they would focus on a more stream lined experience. (Rpg) with PVP / PVE zones. While Day Z was an open world, survival, pvp everywhere game.

So you can just forget that, We will never see stuff like in Day Z. Open car doors, search drawers, boxes, bar disks. Go in to almost every house or stair case and take the stairs to the roof to overlook the city before heading out on the streets below again.

Its sad that the devs now days always take the easy route out. Rushing out games just thinking of the next pay check. Instead of making something new, Ground breaking. Like making the whole city where every car, every apartment, ever drawer had loot and where you could barricade up apartments in the night time and stay there and cook food/ sleep / drink water to stay fit until next day.

This is a RPG/PVP game with "Zones" No open world pvp and no Day Z. If this was an MMO in day Z style it would not be out before 2018 and made by ubisoft it would be a laggy and broken mess when released.

I dont see anything regarding MMO aspect in this game. Just an other RPG/PVP zone game that ppl will get tired of in 2 month. Yes it have weapons, Yes it have loot, But so does Diablo and so does every other Indie game that want to be a Diablo clone. If this was an MMO. There would be ppl (real ppl) everywhere. Not just in the Cut off DZ or a small little "meeting area". They could have made it Open world like Day Z, But no. Instead we went with the same old same old. Make RPG with a "zone" with PVP.

Devs i feel are a little scared to make something new these days and just follow the same old same old. Dont take me wrong though, I like the game, I RLY do, I love the DZ. But its NOTHING what so ever what it could have been if the devs didnt rush this game out but instead took there time, Built a real city with everything you guys wish 4 regarding loot and entreble buildings what ive red here on the forum. Yes the game would have taken way longer to come out, (2018-19).

But just take a minute to think about it. A city like Manhattan where you (almost) could enter every house and if not go in to apartments take the staircase up to the roof. During the nights (Weather effects) when its a winter storm you start to freeze and have to cock food in an abandoned apartment complex. But the light from the fire drag other PVP ppl towards you so you have to barricade the door with planks so no one can break in and kill you and steal your stuff.

THAT style of gameplay in a big city environment would be a dream come true

But at least we can hope that now when Ubisoft opened the panndoras box to these kind of "big city games" we will maybe see a Day Z style of Big City game sometime down the road. But Division is not what Day Z ppl think it is.

/r/thedivision Thread