Please stop pretending that $160 earbuds are the only ones that will work.

Not everyone cares about bass. Insane base would ruin any classical music, for example. Vivaldi can certainly be pyrotechnic, but it's not Rock and Roll ;-)

That's the problem a lot of people have with these expensive earbuds. They are designed for fairly modern music, and make other types of music sound absolutely awful to the point that it's a complete waste of money.

I can't listen to classical with my BT earbuds, or even with Samsung's in-box earbuds (and those are superior to the EarPods... except) because of the bass they add to the music. I have to switch to apple's uncomfortable AF EarPods or dig around for some other earbuds that work properly.

I have some Skullcandy OTE Headphones but that's not something I'm willing to carry with me on the go all the time. I rather use those with my Laptop when I'm planted in one spot (My Dell laptop has an EQ that is optimized for Skullcandy, as well; and lets you choose which kind you have connected/plugged in when you do so... works really well). They literally sound better than $200+ Beats wired headphones that I've tried - because of that - even though they cost $40.

/r/iphone Thread Parent