Police 'should be neutral' in sex abuse inquiries, says Met head

So the whole in "Listen and believe" thing falls apart for two reasons.

These reasons are named Vicky and Tiffany.

Vicky was the type of person who would come into work after a weekend with a new obviously made up story every Monday. She did this for attention. No one believes the things she would say, like the time she said she was dating Justin Timberlake and that she spent the weekend 3000 miles away from home in his mansion. Tiffany was the type who was constantly causing scenes for attention. You could never just have a quiet night when she was around. It was simply not possible. She would throw tantrums in restaurants or bars for no reason other than people are not paying her enough attention.

Vicky made a false rape accusation against a guy who would not date her. Although she never admitted to lying about it, Vicky was the type who made things up for attention on an hourly basis. Only a gullible person would believe any stories that Vicky told. She only told her friends, and never reported this supposed rape to the police. She just told mutual friends to destroy his reputation.

When Tiffany started to think her boyfriend might break up with her, she told me that if he did, she would make a false rape charge against him. Tiffany was not a stable person, despite being very attractive and pleasant at times. When she charged him several people came forward to tell her BF that she had told them of her plan to make the fake rape charge. When the case was dropped she threw a fit in the courtroom.

Neither of these women was ever disbelieved because they were women. They were both disbelieved because they have a history of being liars.

/r/SargonofAkkad Thread Link - bbc.co.uk