Sargon knew about kraut.

It's not a crime to collect publicly available information on someone.

Are you kidding me?

All doxxing information is "public information".

You know the bikelock bandit 4chan doxxed right? Everyone does.

He had his information and picture online.

When 4chan saw his picture and searched through the web to connect the two, then publish everything, was that not doxxing because it was public information?

If you put your name on a random old forum account, and you you put your face but not your name in a youtube video, and in another random old forum you mention something that allows me to locate your city (like a festival, or "i was near this event") and I scout through everything, put it toogether and publish it, is it not doxxing because it was public information?

I have yet to see anyone specify what the NYT journalist role was beyond speculation.

What role could an SJW left leaning NTY journalist have in a doxxing server for right wingers... hm...

If you stand in the middle of a highway and see a truck speeding toward you, you don't have to be skeptical of whether or not it's going to hit your or not.

However it is also wrong to assume without evidence anyone knew about this until JF told everyone.

They were in constant contact. They coordinated everything, we have pictures of kraut being gleeful at finding crp's real name and pictures of them coordinating the false flag.

How big is the benefit of the doubt you're willing to give him?

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