Pooping Themselves to Own the Libs

Fuck you too, moron. You’re on a post about Americans putting horse-paste in their bodies and shitting themselves instead of taking a free vaccine and YOUR only input is Ivermectin works? It fucking doesn’t and your comments are part of the misinformation machine causing this shit in our country. As for the rest of your ignorant-ass comment, there’s plenty of us that worked very hard at getting that dumbass out of office and were never for the war in Afghanistan in the first goddamn place. How about you take a look at the issues in your own country and stop parroting the fucking bullshit causing problems in ours?

Oh and it’s really cute you dug through my profile. I could give two shits what anti-vaxxers what to say to me. They’re just minor inconveniences I have to wash off the bottom of my shoe.

Oh and to get back to the topic at hand…there are NO valid peer-reviewed studies that tout any effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid. The NIH and University of Oxford are both conducting extensive studies. I suspect, like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin will show to have no benefit vs placebo and these idiots (that you parrot) will have more peer-reviewed studies to ignore. Have a nice fucking day.

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