Poor people make the world a shitty place

Citations? What good are citations? I've done a PhD and have published many papers in science. Have you? Are you familiar with anything that's involved with it? Doubtful. Even if the studies being cited weren't incredibly flawed, people don't give a shit anyways. Perfect example is cannabinoids and their extremely detrimental effects on memory and congitive development, long term damage to motor function, etc. I.e. weed, for most people, is pretty damned bad for your health and well being. Regardless, people flatout ignore studies and vote posts with such citations into the depths of hell because it is in direct conflict with their fairy tale narrative. Funnily, they turn around and talk about the importance of science and empirical reasoning for topics such as climate change, and chastise the idiots that don't believe or listen to the science behind it.

Humans are fucktards. You and me included. Citations mean fucking dick.

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