Porn n relationship

Porn today is easily accessible and is a big part of adult life. It’s a little confusing to me why you said you could watch it, but now he can’t? While porn can portray unhealthy tropes about sex, it can also be used for self-discovery. Masturbation is a healthy activity for anyone who chooses to participate in it, and can help people identify their own preferences.

It’s wonderful to have a good sex life, but you cannot constantly satisfy both him or yourself. It’s good to please yourself sometimes, and that goes for him and you too.

Realistically, telling him to stop will do nothing. He’ll simply watch it and lie about it later. I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but this is controlling. Continuing to attempt to control what he watches and when he masturbates will only break you apart and his trust in you will decline.

With that being said, communication is still important. It’s ok to talk to him about how you feel and why you feel upset. Express your concerns with his intake of porn, but don’t tell him to stop just because you don’t like it.

/r/relationship_advice Thread