Portland Police Chief Says Antifa Protesters Used Slingshot to Launch Urine and Feces-Filled Balloons at Riot Cops [xpost /r/Oregon]

First: I never said it was a bigger danger, but I understand you think anyone who isn't with you is against you and worthy of being attacked. You already made that clear.

Second: "Antifa is not accountable for every person" is pretty true, but you cant turn around and start saying Tump and the spewers of racist, anti-immigrant rhetoric are accountable for the Oregon stabber. Choose one side, either people make their own decisions and act on them, or not. you'd rather not, you'd rather exist in the fantasy that your side can do no wrong. Classic.

Third: wtf I hate animal cruelty? and I hate to the core racism too, but I'm not going to join a group that indoctrinates me to attack people, using other peoples violence as justification, but hey you do you.

If you wanna keep reading I'm just going to go into depth on each of these. If not whatever idc anymore. You'll never change your mind until you decide for yourself so fuck it. I'm convinced you just think of me as another right wing fascist anyway so my words are useless at this point, but here's a ton of them just in case:


Ever wonder if all Trump supporters go off the rails stabbing people and attacking? You think they all are happy about these stories? I can guarantee you the majority of them hated to hear about the stabbing in Oregon, but still you use that as an example, exactly how you don't want people to perceive antifa. and yet, you do it. You are engaging in the same process you claim to hate, but its okay because anyone who disagrees is fascist and worthy of death.

doing that is no better than that pussy guy on the train who stabbed those people because he was a racist bitch

It's no better than Kyle Chapman who says "wow, look at all this bad shit antifa does, lets go fight!" and the fact you cant see that is why I'm done letting you recite your beliefs to me. You aren't here for a debate, you are here to reinforce your own rhetoric.

by the way, I didn't ignore your argument. I understand it fully. your argument is that attacks on people you judge to be fascists based on an arbitrary list is necessary because Trump is in power. What you refuse to realize is antifa doesnt stop attacks while they happen, it only fuels more and they fuel you at this point. its a dumpster fire with all the worst parts of humanity getting burned off. all you're doing by supporting antifa, contributing to the constant widespread violence you claim to hate, just like the right. The production of these massive wannabe battles like Berkley were all these kids from both sides get together to mosh are just going to continue because you think that by "resisting" you are somehow doing something special. you meaning antifa at this point you are doing absolutely nothing besides feeding your own ego and encouraging more and more, and giving them more subject to turn people against your collective, which in turn gives your side more subject matter to justify random acts of senseless violence. You say Antifa isn't accountable, but itsgoingdown and all the local twitter accounts are nothing but propaganda as awful as T_D. How many times should I repeat this until you see it? I'm repeating myself because you seriously don't seem to care. br br br broken record.

I woudn't imagine anyone of your group, or the right for that matter, to think for themselves, but if you, and them, could remove yourselves from the mental pathways you're in you'd realize both sides are under the same exact same horseshit. It's so frustrating you refuse see that, and what's more frustrating is you think that making it worse will somehow make it better, and anyone who speaks against it is a right wing fascist worthy of getting bashed.. The mentality is so ingrained you don't even care about entertaining the possibility its all just a ploy. Keep pretending you're gonna change the world, because its a pipe dream that I used to be under as well which is the only reason I'm even still trying to get through to you.

I'll say it again just because if you're still reading then congrats, you might actually be getting what I'm saying: Its no better than them just because you attach labels to yourself that project goodness, and stop pretending antifa doesn't encourage and shouldn't be accountable. Most of the people that show do so just because they know they're gonna get to fight and blow off a ton of stress and have a bunch of fun. Label it with whatever you want, but that part is true above all. It's fun to get together with "comrades" and go have a big brawl, and more people ive met care about that and just subscribe to all the anti racism and anti-right wing just to fit in. they are almost always there to brawl for fun.

now go pray to Eric Clanton ya silly MKULTRA mind control subject, I only hope you'll see what I'm saying one day... and if not, maybe you'll get to jerk off to a clip of Clanton beating Chapman with a bike lock. lol. read again cause I'm done repeating myself 400 times to try and get through to you.

/r/Portland Thread Parent Link - eek.com