It is possible to have every single thing you want

It is not possible for anyone else to replicate this because like the "discovery of fire", it need only be done once.

How I became like this is a little bit tricky, and I'm not entirely sure. If I could explicate how then people would be able to replicate this. Since I am unable to explicate how, people will be unable to replicate this.

This is what I REMEMBER though:

I was born relatively average, in most respects, I was average in intelligence, drive, popularity etc. (Actually my drive was non-existent) — After having been alive for 15 years I had a crash and burn experience and I entered this horrifying waking nightmare that lead me to be mute for 2 years. This waking nightmare was accompanied by a sense of urgency, I felt that I had to "do something". But it was so daunting and delicate that I could not even "intend" to do it. So I spent 2 years just waiting it out.

Eventually I scraped in and started talking to people again, at this point I somehow became extroverted. This can likely be attributed to taking medication again, nevertheless in all of my life I was never talkative, both prior to the crash and burn, during the crash and burn, and after the crash and burn. I was supremely quiet and shy, during the waking nightmare experienced I talked not at all. If I spoke I would, say basically nothing. I was afraid of lying you see.

But anyways after going to college I somehow became very extroverted and made a relatively large number of friends, I also started taking an interest in girls, in a desperate and thirsty manner. Seeing no resolution to this thirst I learned game and PUA, this helped quite a bit.

After the game/PUA thing, I still did not have a girlfriend, understanding how it worked, did not motivate me to do anything. So I ended up trying to sell drugs and take drugs, I experimented in theistic Satanism.

I eventually was suspended due to public intoxication (at my university), and was forced to take a year off.

It was here that I began addressing the angst that appeared when I was 16, I basically "existentially willed" myself for about 6 months, after which I had a breakthrough and my depression, sadness and "angst" disappeared forever.

Ever since then, after one more minor rub with spirituality, the sensation of having a body, as well as the sensation of existing in my chest seems to be diminishing. The chest-disappearance event was a born again Christian event.

After the minor rub, I began to have visions of being the historical Buddha. I was unable to explain these, but I believed they were true. Almost inexplicably I began to fathom all sorts of things, and have somehow been unable to understand things that can be verified, almost just by wanting to know those things.

Things that cannot be verified, I cannot know though, but the subject itself I can understand.

Anyways it's been a blast. For the amount of actual practice I did (6 months), I received quite a lot. It was basically intense, non-directed (I didn't follow a technique, method, or praxis), fear-raping, existential coasting, leap of faithing awesomeness.

I was trying to purge existence basically.

Since 15 my life has been a roller coaster:

I was suspended and evaluated by shrinks at my first high school for fear I was a violent school shooter (the Virgnia Tech events had just occurred), I was living with my cousins in a different country to attend high school there, I attempted suicide multiple times. I was somehow a master of Chinese astrology at the age of 15 (the discipline was called Bazi), I finished high school in a different state. My last high school was where I was mute, I investigated a variety of religions from 15 onwards:

Jainism (I own translated agamas), Satanism (I read the Order of Nine Angles praxis and did the self-initiation ritual), Buddhism (I read the Pali Canon frequently), tantric Buddhism (I read the root tantras and researched Vajrayana) etc.

I have never found any satisfying doctrine other than the doctrine of the Buddha's. Which is more or less presented intact within the Pali Canon.

It was solely through understanding his Dhamma that I was able to awaken.

I often call myself a Christian though, but this is because of its more palatable nature.

Hope that helps man!

(BTW I don't get laid at all, that's something that I want)

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