Post-natal book recommendations?

For pure information, What to Expect the First Year and The Mayo Clinic's Guide to the First Year are both stellar.

For parenting style / feeding schedule / sleeping help: With my first kid, I used Becoming Babywise, which is all about a strict schedule. I think was helpful eventually but meanwhile it was very stressful and ineffective trying to get my baby to follow their system. It was not as simple, straightforward, and natural as they promised. It felt forced.

This time I'm trying out Happiest Baby on the Block, which is about following natural soothing techniques other cultures have used for centuries. As some other commenters have said, the recommendations ultimately boil down to pretty simple ideas - but I still found the book very helpful. I'm pretty skeptical, and reading about the history and science of each technique helped me buy into it a lot more. I haven't tried it out yet since my baby isn't born, but honestly it has removed a load of stress from my shoulders and I think things will be easier this time around.

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