Postol - The French Intelligence Report of April 26, 2017 Contradicts the Allegations in the White House Intelligence Report of April 11, 2017

OK - Not going into the details of the Postol vs French report but after just reading the First paragraph I already found some dicrepancies in the wording: this is essential!

English text:

a) France has deployed the required resources to obtain its own samples from the alleged sarin attack on 4 April 2017 in Idlib Governorate.

Fairly Neural I would say on the methods they used to obtain the samples

French version:

b) Les analyses réalisées par les experts français sur des échantillons environnementaux, prélevés à l’un des points d’impact de l'attaque chimique survenue à Khan Cheikhoun, le 4 avril 2017

French Experts have conducted analysis of samples collected at one of the impact points of the CW attack in KC on 4th April:

The question is: who did the sampling if it was done at the impact points - not on the victims as claimed by the UK. How did the French get these? do they have direct links to the (AQ-linked) fighters on the ground?

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