Powder City has discontinued the selling of Tianeptine

It's funny, because I think people are latching onto my post in thread yesterday for saying I used tianeptine for recreation once a week. I deleted the post because it had a personal story that I'm not comfortable sharing anymore.

I do like saffron's post, a lot actually. Although I differ in the meaning of my word choice. Understanding others is difficult and words are an imperfect conduit.

Basically my "recreational" tianeptine usage is on a Friday night when I don't go out and have nothing to do. In the past, I would drink a few beers and play video games and watch TV until I fell asleep. I discovered tianeptine out of curiousity, and decided that it makes me equally as content as a few beers and is a generally healthier alternative.

My recreational use of tianeptine is to feel content while I entertain myself as I try to not feel sad and lonely. Once a week, but not at all if I have something social to keep me occupied.

I do it to feel good and to be content, which could be interpretated as "for fun" or "for medication". This depends on your point of view.

For me personally, an acute dose of Tianeptine (20-30mg) when I'm sad or lonely, is a much better medical routine that 12.5 x 3 every day. From a recreational viewpoint, I enjoy this routine more as well.

I don't think people should be so hung up on correct doses. Everyone has a different body and mind, and self titration (I think I used this word right) is common among most medicines.

To be totally biased, I find it takes me extra effort to interact with people who are on anti depressants all the time. I find it hard to share humor, emotion, and understanding with them. Maybe it'd be even harder if they weren't on anti depressants, but that is just my experience.

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