President Trump has made 7,546 false or misleading claims over 700 days

See, anyone can type up negative adjectives about anyone. It doesn’t move me. Bugs Bunny is a violent lying and cheating vermin that constantly needs bailouts from Daffy Duck. He’s a traitor as well. And a racist!

Before Trump was president he was a well-respected individual. He was a best selling author. Had his own television show. His own real estate. Now, we all hate him because we have nothing better to do. I think we’re jealous. It’s just too easy to talk shit on the internet or on television. There’s no accountability.

Also, who has the time to sit there and watch EVERY SINGLE SPEECH that Trump has made over 700 days and count statements? I don’t trust someone with that must free time and that big of a point to prove. The best thing about Trump is he has nothing to prove. He’s already proven what he wanted to prove in life. Non political here.

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