President Trump's Lawyers Plan a White House Legal Attack on Federal Agency Power

And so the start of a dictator begins. Remove checks and balances, then push stronger executive power that is illegal to be questioned. This happened in Ukraine, hundreds died protesting. Eventually the would be dictator ran to Russia with his militarized police... How someone can snipe to kill your own country men with live rounds in a ground.... Looks like there's nothing the US can do to stop him. So either the military stops him orr.... No one has been punished for any over step, no one. By the time a case is made. Who will be left to stop anything.

No need to take over the government with a coup when you got voted in with the majority that thrives of misinformation, alternative facts, and il informed opinion backed by malicious supporters. Hitler wanted to make Germany great again, used the anger from the first war treaty treatment to make an entire country into a puppet of a mad man. Hitler kept wanting to make everything huge, tanks the size of buildings, his generals had to keep his enthusiasm on check. He used pseudo science to enforce propaganda that certain bloodlines are less evolved or deformed. Republican party? More like want to be 4th Reich.

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