Michael C. Deragisch: We should be silent no more on Boulder growth

What do you guys think about Boulder's height restrictions? Mr. Deragisch feels like he's pretty sure there is a hidden "silent majority" which wants height restrictions in place. Coincidentally, Mr. Deragisch also feels like the focus should be on improving transportation options. I think these are contradictory statements.

Personally, I feel lifting height restrictions will encourage 1. more affordable housing options 2. more people moving to boulder and 3. providing more funding for the transportation improvements Mr. Dergisch wants.

Yes, taller buildings will make Boulder less "unique", and it will obstruct the mountains for some people. But, if you want your city to evolve, you have to make some concessions. While I think taller buildings may upset some people in Boulder, I highly doubt it's the majority.

Given the choice between taller buildings in town, with more living options and better transportation vs having an unobstructed view of the mountains from anywhere in town is kind of a no-brainer.

/r/boulder Thread Link - dailycamera.com