Pretty much all subreddits are unfriendly towards artists trying to promote their own music. Do you have any methods for trying to get your music out there?

No smoking or drinking? Found the problem!

Oh i used to, that was the problem. Makes things more difficult. When you gotta work every night you can't be hungover. Been at this job here for the past 7 years. Kinda straightened me out. As you get older you body can't handle the partying either.

I know another problem. Wasted the 2000's playing 2 demo multiplayer video game maps. Early 2000's was this RTCW demo multiplayer map. Would go at that like I am the music. That server closed think it was oh around 2003 brother gave me this halo game. I said, I don't think you understand what a problem this could be. Couldn't play the multiplayer but online got the demo for halo trial bloodgulch. Went at that every nite sometimes 20 hours in a row on days off, before this job when I had days off. If I was running my own server, where there was no lag, even guys running aimbots would get riled up. I'd get in the banshee and then they couldn't headshot me. I'd smoke 'em out and after playing that 1 demo bloodgulch map for that many years that long, was unable to find anyone who'd beat me when I'd get in the banshee. Even though they were using aimbots and I was not.

This was the problem, the smoking and drinking. If you're high on weed you go duh if you try and work on music. It's boring because it's a long term project. When you're high you go "duh" at all the buttons and knobs.

You want instant gratification. Yeah it was ok to boost the imagination a bit but when you come down half an hour later you smoke again but don't get as high. If there's weed in the house I'll be smoking it, because it'd be more "fun" right now. The problem is you're always doing that at every moment in the present. You keep smoking it every day and you don't catch as much of a buzz. Same thing with the beer. And that costs a lot. Better to not have any pot around the house and I won't go pick it up.

Noticed when I was doing my taxes this year going thru the online banking, last time I picked up beer was at the end of may 2014. So coming up to a year.

It's a good thing too I stopped this partying because earlier this year caught a fucking cold from hell. Had a scratchy throat and it got worse. Started to turn into a cold with the nose running. Body temperature went up for a couple days. Boom had a cold. Congested nasal cavity for couple weeks. Sorta went away after 3 weeks. Low level cold still hanging in there.

One day a month later where I happened to get 8 hours sleep, wake up with scratchy throat. Boom full blown aids some kind of mutated cold virus it seems, restarted again. Nose running, couple days later body temperature goes up trying to get rid of this thing. Cold was back. 2 weeks later it gets into my lungs. The coughing went on for a week. This shit was severe. 1 month later those symptoms subsided. Been about 3 weeks now and it's still not normal how it was before this shit came along. At least my nose isn't plugged and can sleep. But this fucking VIRUS is still low level hanging around. Been about 5 months now with just a fucking "cold".

If I was "smoking or drinking" i'd be fucking dead right now with this shit. So your advice is the problem.

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