Pretty sure I bombed my Design of Algos test and it has me questioning if I'm smart/worthy enough deserve any of the things I have

I’ll add my own war story. I got extremely lucky and landed an internship at a very well known aerospace giant while I was still technically in community college. I expected it to be a great summer, but in honesty I started thinking about where I’d apply for the following summer (this coming summer) before it even ended. Much to my surprise, I was offered academic part time status. I worked my ass off that summer and must’ve really impressed my mentor and others on the team. I’m now working for them remotely year round and will return full time this summer.

Since then, I’ve struggled with discrete math, getting a low 70 on the first midterm, and with my software construction lab, getting as low as a 41 on homework and averaging a 70 overall. Yesterday I got back two very unsavory grades and I fell into a momentary period of insanity. But before long I looked at all I had achieved and all the great (lucky) things going on in my life, and realized the grades don’t define me. If they did, I wouldn’t be working remotely for this institution and I wouldn’t have gotten into the university that I did.

Sometimes luck is the only advantage one gets in their life. Be happy that yours came in the form of opportunity

/r/csMajors Thread