Am I crazy

But you're still working for a corporation? College is probably the most corrupt organization for charging $4,000 - $12,000 PER CLASS for material you can learn for free All becuase they have a monopoly over MS/BS certificates that are essentially peices of paper.

To play devil's advocate, as a TA you help a handful of students over a semester 90% of whom just want you to do their homework for them. You have a tiny impact while charging students a ton.

INSTEAD when I compiled my notes, bookmarks of resources and even recorded free videos of my material I got dozens of thank yous and hundreads of requests to access my Google Drive.

So lets not pretend being a TA is some noble profession, its just a job people do for money. If you wanted to teach and make impact you could do it in a much broader way for free.

/r/csMajors Thread Parent