[Preview] Walk Tall (2015) - first look at an abortion documentary in progress

we live in a society in where we are told

the baby is a fetus (blob of skin you can get rid of) .

some boys think they are really female.

some white people think they are really black. (the NAACP president is really white, she lied about her race. child photos show she is white girl)

walking people think they are cripple so they sit in a wheel chair.

women think they have sexual excitement about women so they think they should have been born male. some like male of female.

the president shows a forged birth certificate when asked to prove his citizenship.

"americas christian pastor" rick warren prays in the name of islam prophet Isa.

the top democrat is pounding the podium on exposing frauds as she neglects to answer questions on her own frauds.

the top ten music is monkey banging and senseless bantering, not music at all.

to be original, our society copies each other in getting a tattoo. nothing screams ' accept me now. im cool now i got a tattoo. am i in the cool crowd yet.' it might have been original when sailors did it or the first bikers but you sir are a poser.

flouride was classifed as a toxic waste but now its good for your teeth

radiation and vaccines are good for you, believe us the pharma giants. good polyester people do not question the one sided data. monkey hammer any other data that proves they are not safe.

the romance movies are now vampire guys which the teens swoon for.

we lived in a messed up, evil society that does not know when to call a sin a sin. its mostly sin but we do not use the Bible anymore so there are no standards. the liberal like it that way but when her cheating boyfriend says he has not standards then she gets suicidal when he leaves her.

the cold hearted betrayal is a after thought from your cold hearted betrayal from Jesus and the Bible. so enoy the madness or repent from your sins and enjoy peace.

/r/Documentaries Thread Link - alktallfilm.info