The prince that was promised

Lost Original Ending of the Battle of the Bastards: why it's a failure of writing & production [105:03]

The Lost Original Ending of the Battle of the Bastards: Why it's a failure of writing & production. Director Miguel Sapochnik gave a stunning interview in which he revealed that there's a lost original ending - we don't need to prove that, this is confirmed. FULL LIST OF CITE EXTERNAL LINKS BELOW, click "Show More" to see full description...This video explains what caused this - executive producers Benioff & Weiss willfully ignoring repeated and direct warnings about time constraints by their own department heads. Direct parallel to how production on Dorne fell apart. There's no question of "if" there's a lost original ending - but "what" that ending is; thus the video ends with a review of the evidence regarding that.

The Dragon Demands in People & Blogs

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