Privileged By Kyle Korver | Players Tribune

Please tell me this is just a phase of the dawn of social media and it'll die down. Privilege this, guilt that, white people as a group of several hundred million are apparently evil first but get a stamp of approval if they prove themselves by sucking me off, voicing that repeatedly isn't racist for some fucking reason in their head, circlejerk here, apologize and take responsibility for shit people you have nothing to do with did (mostly a long time ago and even if it was in the present, again, I have nothing to do with it) by fixing something you can't do anything about as an individual apart from not being racist there.

Live your lives, if there are laws that blatantly promote discrimination against minorities then they shouldn't exist, but to think I should have this looming cloud above me of "this is your problem, fix it" because I'm a dude with lighter skin color born in the 90's is retarded. Who draws the line? When did we "repent" (lmao) enough? I have nothing against people until you give me a reason to and I'll raise my kids the same way because that's good parenting, but that's as far as it goes. The comments are so cancerous (mostly on Twitter) acting like Kyle Korver was some enemy until he made that post, now he's on "our side" and "an ally". Why the fuck would you want to be part of any group in the first place? Think for yourself.

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