Professional game dev explains why Sony's Morpheus won't get much backing from developers.

Wouldn't you need to completely change the perspective of any third person game and ultimately re-render everything in the game from a first person perspective? It's the whole point of VR the first person perspective? Wouldn't it be easier and more sensible to just plug in a 1st person game?

I didn't address any of this in my reply, sorry. I'll address it here.

Firstly, no, you don't need to completely change perspective. In fact, for Star Conflict, the developers behind that also did the immensely popular VR title BlazeRush, they basically stated that they worked on Star Conflict after BlazeRush because they learned from BlazeRush that minimal alterations were needed. Mostly you need to develop the surrounding assets for VR - proper menu support, additional head and depth tracking, etc. Cameras are actually the least difficult to do.

In fact, in first person, the cameras are worse because traditional FPS games tie the camera to body movement and gun aiming. This is bad because it is not natural and in VR, that's immediately apparent. Our inclination in the real world is to move and focus on objects in the foreground or background off-canter from our locomotion direction. That's a big problem if the camera dictates your locomotion.

Some games developed from the ground up for VR, like Time Rifters, have fixed this issue by decoupling the camera from body movement, sort of like driving a tank, but far more natural.

The next challenge is orientation. In an FPS, for some reason, traditional HUDs make natural orientation for your body very difficult. Another thing that Time Rifters and a couple of other VR FPS games have done to help this is make the HUD a floating holographic projection in front of you, similar to holographic space suit HUDs. This makes it easy for your eyes to scan and pick up markers in the environment tied to your body and orient itself, without being "in your face". It greatly helps with the motion sickness that first person VR produces.

ultimately re-render everything in the game from a first person perspective?

Nope. Again, as explained in my other reply, VR is not about making everything in first person. It's about transforming the experience to make you feel like you're in another place and time, physically. The 3rd person perspective in games like BlazeRush and Toybox Turbos gives you a first person perspective because of the stereo depth, but it's from the perspective of an invisible god or a hovering drone floating above the track. You're controlling the action, but what's interesting is you feel like you're physically in the space at the race track, like a slot car track, and you're controlling the race cars right there like RC cars or slot cars. You're aware of just how disconnected a normal control experience is.

It's the whole point of VR the first person perspective?

Nope. See above.

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ScreenshotProfessional game dev explains why Sony's Morpheus won't get much backing from developers. ( Wouldn't it be easier and more sensible to just plug in a 1st person game?

Nope. See above and see my other reply.

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