TIL That in France it is illegal to deny that the holocaust happened.

"extremism"? You mean like invading other people's countries and killing hundreds of thousands of their people, blowing up their cities, and shooting up their towns / sending millions of armed teenagers with machine guns to kill anybody who resists, because the son of the former head of the secret police (Bush Sr.) became president and told you to? (while they make closer ties to the country where the 'extremists' actually came from and sell them lots of military equipment, that is Saudi Arabia).

we don't live in an "informed" anything, and certainly not an informed democracy.

America and the west LOVES extremism and supports it wholeheartedly, happily sending millions of their children to join violent extremist organizations known in english as "military". The leaders talk the same way the muslim extremists do - for example, France's president trying to whip people up and get them to "wage a pitiless war", people all over reddit (and world leaders) calling the attackers "immoral blah blah blah" - so basically exactly the same way their leaders talk about us, right?.

There are tons of MAINSTREAM, EXISTING CURRENTLY leaders who smile and shake hands while really trying to lead you all to be extremist fucktards absolutely no different than the muslim variety - only the western ones have better equipment and kill more people and lie to themselves more thoroughly - at least most muslims know it's wrong, we don't recognize that same thing about the violent organizations that come from our western cultures - we are braindead and think they're honorable and killing "bad guys" (the same thing terrorists think, because they are stupid).

We (america) just don't like when anyone else does it back to us. You guys are literally insane motherfuckers who don't think your own views through using logic. If you think extremism is bad when it kills under 200 people, how do you think it's any different when it kills hundreds of thousands like the attacks on Iraq? How is your violence any different than theirs? Oh, you don't target women and kids? Sure, like how the air force warned all the women and kids to evacuate Nagasaki and Hiroshima before obliterating those entire cities, right? jesus you are all such extremists it makes me sick.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org