Progression/Hardcore Raiding: how to get started?

Endgame raiding was exciting then super disappointing to me. Played for 1.5 years, really assumed that savage and extreme stuff was what EVERYONE aimed for, since I figured why else would I work my ass off tying to get the best gear when it's not even needed for normal DF content? So figured I'm ready let's do it. Gave it a try a couple months ago and while I find it fun, it's not what I expected. Being forced to play at certain times doing the same fight is less fun than I thought it would be. You also have to commit so much more time to it since miss your weekly cap even once and you're screwed when it comes time to get your 230 weapon and so on. So I found myself spending so much time online neglecting real life etc. I switched from Gilgamesh to Faerie to try a smaller server to change it up and was so surprised how few parties there were or people that had even done Void Ark let alone A5S. That's when I learned that the majority of players in this game are casual and don't even do endgame raids. That was crushing when I found that out, as I all along thought that was the goal of everyone.

From my experience there's really no qualities needed other than being dedicated. Showing up on time and ready to go. My issue is that people take this SO seriously that they forget how to even have fun. It's true when people say you need to be able to take criticism, but that's not been my experience. It's very rarely "Oh you stepped in the such and such, that's what happened to you, make sure to move to the right next time!" and is usually more "Well maybe if people would stop fucking standing in the puddle and wasting time we'd be past this, it's not that goddamn hard, I DID IT so you can too." Usually it would be the 1 or 2 people in the group that had already cleared it, therefore making them an "expert" at it in their mind. So when people discuss strategy, they are always correcting them or saying no that's not how you do it and so on. I thought it would always be a group of 8 people all on the same level with the same experience with it but it's not the case at all. People still run the content via PF or other groups in their spare time, so when you do finally clear something it's rarely all 8 people clearing it for the first time.

Definitely try it but it's way too time consuming for me. It's not bad doing 2 or 3 nights a week for raid, it's the fact you're doing all the stuff in between like having to cap your weekly lore, spend a fortune on potions and food etc.

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