Protests shut down UC Davis group's event with Milo Yiannopoulos

Ok so I hadn't heard the details of that, just that he had been suspended off twitter. I've now done a bit of research on it, and he was trolling Lauren Duca. Duca is the woman who went on the Tucker Carlson show after she defended Ivanka Trump being harassed on an airplane. Duca doesn't deserve any special treatment just because of her gender---if she's going to defend someone else being harassed, she doesn't have the right to play victimhood when she herself is harassed. On the flip side, it appears what Shkreli did is also harassment. No sympathy for either of them.

All of that said, and I'm sure we could debate this til we're blue in the face, I still can't see a reason to not let Shkreli speak. Kurt Eichenwald is a similar twitter cretin, who happens to be a liberal, and I'd feel the same way about him. Hear their ideas, and shit on them if they're bad. Shutting down an event you don't like just adds fuel to the fire IMO. Shkreli is telling the media: "I was going to talk positively about feminism, and they wouldn't let me speak". That doesn't play well for anybody involved.

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