PSA: Destiny is not "good at debating."

Ever listen to that debate he had with Mister Metokur?

What really shits me off is Destiny's weird shit about advertisements deciding people's careers because of the toys they're sold as kids. Like, dude you realize market research as a thing, right? The toy companies let little kids fuck about with Nerf guns, they find that the boys are more into them, so they market the guns leaning toward boys. You're putting the cart so far ahead of the horse the horse can't fucking see it because the cart is beyond the curvature of the earth. They do the same with most toys they come up with.

But he sticks with it, advertisements dictate the paths people walk down later in life, so then you try and tell him: "Hey, I got where I am because of my merit and my will to show up early and stay to work late and still pursue my qualifications. I didn't let advertisements dictate what I do with my life."

What's his response? "Dude, no. Your mommy and daddy paid for everything. You didn't have to worry about what you could and couldn't do because you had them to fall back on."

My parents were separate and neither of them could afford to pay for shit I needed, my mother had our landlord give me a fucking eviction notice and 30 days to get out of the house for my 18th birthday because she couldn't afford to keep me around. (I knew it was coming years before it happened, it's nowhere near as abusive as it sounds.) And hey, guess what? I don't recall ever hearing an advertisement tell me I did or didn't have permission to be a chef. Fucking witchcraft, right?

He's so fucking desperate to get a win on someone that he'll resort to literally making shit up about them with no basis whatsoever, pulling assumptions about someone's life clean out of his asshole. Then he tries to claim he's arguing in good faith.

Honestly, the dude needs to seriously back the fuck up on the assumptions and start trying to understand why people have come to have the political opinions they have. Speculation gets you nowhere near the accuracy that calming the fuck down and asking questions does.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread